
CEEPUS freemover application round for 2020/2021 has started


Apart from the possibility to apply for exchange within CEEPUS networks for the summer semester of 2020/2021 until October 31st, students and academic staff may also apply for freemover mobility, outside of CEEPUS networks. Freemover mobilities are usually mostly realised during the summer semester, and the deadline for applying is November 30th 2020.

In the light of coronavirus outbreak, it is important that candidates get acquainted with how their host institution will organize academic activities during the following academic year by getting in touch directly with the institution itself or by contacting national CEEPUS office of the host country for detailed information, since the academic activities might be organized differently in the following months, in accordance with the epidemiological conditions in every participating country. National CEEPUS offices’ contacts can be found on CEEPUS platform.


How to apply?

Candidates who want to participate in Central European Exchange Program for University Studies (CEEPUS) have to register on CEEPUS platform (in case they do not already have an active account); then, following the link Manage my mobility application and by clicking on the icon Action, candidates start their application procedure, following further system instructions. Interested candidates investigate thematic networks for 2020/2021 on their own in order to find out options for their preferred mobility. In case the home institution and host institution do not belong to the same network, candidates need to choose the “freemover” option when applying. For the overview of practical steps in researching the networks and mobility options please click here.

During the application process, apart from filling out the sections of electronic CEEPUS applications, the candidates also need to attach the Letter of Acceptance (which they need to have signed and stamped by the desired host institution). Students also need to attach 2 letters of recommendation, signed by teaching staff from their home institution. The templates of these documents can be downloaded in the FAQ section (Applying for a CEEPUS grant/Uploading documents) on the CEEPUS platform.


Types of mobility

Several possibilities are available, depending on the mobility category and the aim of the academic exchange. Students can apply for mobility within one of following categories:

– Student: for students who want their mobility period to last at least 3 months and their aim is to acquire ECTS credits;

– Short-term-student: for students who want to stay on mobility less than 3 months and aspire to do a research;

– Short term excursions: from 3 to 6 days long stays with the aim of participating in some special activity (CEEPUS winter or summer schools).

Academic staff always apply for mobility within the Teacher category, regardless of the duration of their stay. However, their stays must be at least 5 days long and with the requirement to teach or supervise at least 6 hours per work week. Planed teaching/supervising hours should be stated in the section Motivation of the application.

For further information regarding CEEPUS program, application process, possibilities and requirements, and updates related to the epidemiological situation, interested candidates can check the central CEEPUS platform, especially FAQ section, as well as the website of the National CEEPUS Office in Serbia.

Photo: Pexels


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